Article I. Name and Office
Section 1. This Organization shall be known as “THE PHILIPPINE-NEW YORK JAYCEES, INC.”, doing business as, “JCI Philippine-New York”.
Section 2. The principal office of the Organization shall be located in the City of New York, State of New York, USA
Article II. Purpose
Section 1. The purposes of this Organization shall be to provide its membership training in leadership and civic consciousness to better their usefulness as citizens; to render charitable and civic service to the community; to promote the welfare of the community and its citizens through active and constructive projects; and to encourage and advance international understanding and goodwill. This Organization shall be non-partisan in regard to politics, but shall support political issues affecting the community welfare.
Section 2. This Organization adopts the “Jaycee Creed” as part of its purposes. Said Creed shall be recited in unison at all its functions and meetings as follows:
We believe:
That faith in God gives meaning and purpose to human life;
That the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations;
That economic justice can best be won by free men through free enterprise;
That government should be of laws rather than of men;
That earth’s great treasure lies in human personality; and
That service to humanity is the best work of life.
Article III. Affiliation
Section 1. This Organization shall be affiliated with New York State Junior Chamber Incorporated (hereinafter in this Constitution and in the By-Laws referred to as “JCI New York State”), United States Junior Chamber (hereinafter in this Constitution and in the By-Laws referred to as “JCI USA”) and Junior Chamber International, Inc. (hereinafter in this Constitution and in the By-Laws referred to as “JCI”).
Article IV. Membership
Section 1. Any person between the ages of eighteen (18) and forty (40), inclusive, whose aims and objectives are in accord with the purposes of Article II hereof, shall be eligible for regular membership in this Organization with all the privileges and obligations thereof. The provisions for regular, alumni, lifetime, associate, honorary and junior memberships are set forth in the By-Laws.
Article V. Government
Section 1. The affairs of this Organization shall be managed by the Board of Directors consisting of eleven (11) members, namely: the Immediate Past President who shall be the Chairperson, the incumbent President, the (5) incumbent Vice Presidents and four (4) elective members known as Directors. If the Organization’s membership roster exceeds seventy-five (75) as of thirty (30) days prior to the annual election meeting, one (1) additional board member shall be elected for every twenty-five (25) members exceeding fifty (50).
Article VI. By-Laws
Section 1. The business of this Organization shall be conducted as prescribed by the By-Laws described herein.
Article VII. Amendments
Section 1. The Constitution may be amended by a two thirds (2/3) majority of the votes cast by the regular members in good standing constituting a quorum at any regular or special membership meeting, provided that a written notice of the regular or special membership meeting and a copy of the proposed amendment or amendments is delivered by postal mail, electronic mail or facsimile transmission by the Constitution and By-Laws Committee to the last known address of each member, at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the regular or special membership meeting.
Section 1. This Organization shall be known as “THE PHILIPPINE-NEW YORK JAYCEES, INC.”, doing business as, “JCI Philippine-New York”.
Section 2. The principal office of the Organization shall be located in the City of New York, State of New York, USA
Article II. Purpose
Section 1. The purposes of this Organization shall be to provide its membership training in leadership and civic consciousness to better their usefulness as citizens; to render charitable and civic service to the community; to promote the welfare of the community and its citizens through active and constructive projects; and to encourage and advance international understanding and goodwill. This Organization shall be non-partisan in regard to politics, but shall support political issues affecting the community welfare.
Section 2. This Organization adopts the “Jaycee Creed” as part of its purposes. Said Creed shall be recited in unison at all its functions and meetings as follows:
We believe:
That faith in God gives meaning and purpose to human life;
That the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations;
That economic justice can best be won by free men through free enterprise;
That government should be of laws rather than of men;
That earth’s great treasure lies in human personality; and
That service to humanity is the best work of life.
Article III. Affiliation
Section 1. This Organization shall be affiliated with New York State Junior Chamber Incorporated (hereinafter in this Constitution and in the By-Laws referred to as “JCI New York State”), United States Junior Chamber (hereinafter in this Constitution and in the By-Laws referred to as “JCI USA”) and Junior Chamber International, Inc. (hereinafter in this Constitution and in the By-Laws referred to as “JCI”).
Article IV. Membership
Section 1. Any person between the ages of eighteen (18) and forty (40), inclusive, whose aims and objectives are in accord with the purposes of Article II hereof, shall be eligible for regular membership in this Organization with all the privileges and obligations thereof. The provisions for regular, alumni, lifetime, associate, honorary and junior memberships are set forth in the By-Laws.
Article V. Government
Section 1. The affairs of this Organization shall be managed by the Board of Directors consisting of eleven (11) members, namely: the Immediate Past President who shall be the Chairperson, the incumbent President, the (5) incumbent Vice Presidents and four (4) elective members known as Directors. If the Organization’s membership roster exceeds seventy-five (75) as of thirty (30) days prior to the annual election meeting, one (1) additional board member shall be elected for every twenty-five (25) members exceeding fifty (50).
Article VI. By-Laws
Section 1. The business of this Organization shall be conducted as prescribed by the By-Laws described herein.
Article VII. Amendments
Section 1. The Constitution may be amended by a two thirds (2/3) majority of the votes cast by the regular members in good standing constituting a quorum at any regular or special membership meeting, provided that a written notice of the regular or special membership meeting and a copy of the proposed amendment or amendments is delivered by postal mail, electronic mail or facsimile transmission by the Constitution and By-Laws Committee to the last known address of each member, at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the regular or special membership meeting.
Article I. Membership
Section 1. Regular membership in this Organization shall be eligible to any person from the ages of eighteen (18) to forty (40) years, inclusive, as provided in Article IV of the Constitution. Regular members shall pay nominal dues in accord with Section 1 Article II “Dues” of the By-Laws
Section 2. Alumni membership may be extended to any person over the age of forty-one (41) years upon petition of said member and by official resolution of the Board of Directors. The alumni member shall be responsible for providing satisfactory evidence of past membership with this Organization or any other JCI local organization worldwide. Alumni members shall pay nominal dues in accord with Section 1 Article II “Dues” of the By-Laws, and shall have neither the right to vote nor hold any office in this Organization.
Section 3. Lifetime membership may be extended to any alumni member of this Organization upon recommendation of any regular member in good standing and by a majority vote of the regular members constituting a quorum official resolution of the general membership. Lifetime members shall pay nominal dues in accord with Section 1 Article II “Dues” of the By-Laws, and shall have neither the right to vote nor hold any office in this Organization except in an advisor capacity.
Section 4. Associate membership may be extended to any person having the qualifications required by the Constitution and By-Laws but whose age is over the age of forty-one (41) years. Associate members shall pay nominal dues in accord with Section 1 Article II “Dues” of the By-Laws, and shall have neither the right to vote nor hold any office in this Organization.
Section 5. Honorary membership may be extended to any person who, by reason of exemplary public service, or civic consciousness may be worthy of such membership upon the recommendation by any regular member in good standing and by official resolution of the general membership, but said honorary member shall have no right to vote nor hold office except in an advisory capacity. When admitted as an honorary member, such member shall not be obligated to pay membership dues.
Section 6. Junior membership may be extended to any person below the age of eighteen (18) years and is a child of a regular, alumni, lifetime, associate, or honorary member. Junior members shall pay nominal dues in accord with Section 1 Article II “Dues” of the By-Laws, and shall have neither the right to vote nor hold any office in this Organization.
Section 7. Any person who wishes to be considered for membership shall provide the necessary information to the Organization as determined by the Board of Directors.
Article II. Dues
Section 1. The annual membership dues for all members shall be determined by the Board of Directors provided that such dues is not lower than the dues remitted to JCI New York State, JCI USA and JCI. Such annual membership dues shall be payable upon submission of the membership application and one month prior to anniversary date.
Article III. Government
Section 1. The government of this Organization shall be vested in the Board of Directors consisting of eleven (11) members which shall constitute the policy making body of the Organization, namely; the Immediate Past President, the incumbent President, the incumbent five (5) Vice Presidents and four (4) elective members known as Directors, as provided in Section 1, Article V of the Constitution. However, if the Organization’s membership roster exceeds seventy-five (75) as of thirty (30) days prior to the annual election meeting, one (1) additional board member shall be elected for every twenty-five (25) members exceeding fifty (50).
Section 2. The Board of Directors shall have control and management of the property and funds of the Organization. Funds of the Organization shall be withdrawn from the bank or banks with which they are on deposit by the signatures of the Treasurer and/or President and/or any other authorized signatories.
Section 3. There shall be a Policy Manual of the Organization, containing rules and regulations of a procedural and administrative nature.
Section 4. Policies may be amended by the Board of Directors by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the votes cast, provided written notice of the proposed amendment is given to the Chairman of the Board not less than thirty (30) days prior to the convening of the meeting at which the amendment is submitted to the Board of Directors for consideration. Following approval by the Board of Directors, the amendments are to be presented to the general membership in compliance with
Article XVII. Amendments Section 1 governing the timing of the notification to members.
Section 5. The Organization’s calendar year shall be January 1 to December 31.
Article IV. Election
Section 1. Not less than thirty (30) days prior to the annual election meeting, the President shall appoint a Committee on Election consisting of one (1) Chairman and two (2) members, all of whom shall be regular or lifetime members in good standing.
Section 2. The Committee on Election shall, during the monthly meeting prior to the annual election meeting, submit to the membership, names of the candidates for elective offices. Additional names may be placed at the time of voting provided at least five (5) members in good standing make a petition to that effect.
Section 3. At the annual election meeting, there shall be elected a President, an Executive Vice President, Vice President for Individual Development, a Vice President for Community Development, a Vice President for Membership Services, a Vice President for International Affairs, Treasurer, an Auditor and four (4) elective members known as Directors. If the Organization’s membership roster exceeds seventy-five (75) as of thirty (30) days prior to the annual election meeting, one (1) additional board member shall be elected for every twenty-five (25) members exceeding fifty (50).
Section 4. Voting shall be by individual regular members in good standing. No regular member can vote more than one ballot. Proxies shall not be recognized. A majority vote of the regular members present and constituting a quorum shall be necessary to elect the officers and members of the Board of Directors.
Section 5. No officer and members of the Board of Directors shall be eligible for the same office for more than two (2) consecutive terms.
Section 6. All duly elected officers and members of the Board of Directors shall take an oath of office before assuming offices. Officers and members of the Board of Directors shall assume the duties of their respective offices on January 1st following their election, which shall be concurrent with the Organization’s calendar year.
Section 7. Any regular member shall be eligible for election to any office provided said member is in good standing.
Section 8. A regular member may be elected in absentia provided said member has filed a signed letter of intent to run for a specific office.
Section 9. If any elective position shall become vacant, the President shall notify the general membership within ten (10) days of vacancy.
Section 10. The President may appoint a regular member in good standing to fulfill the duties of the vacant elective position but shall not enjoy the voting privilege reserved for elected member of the Board of Directors. This interim appointment shall expire within forty-five (45) days from the announcement of the vacancy in accordance with Section 9 under this Article.
Section 11. The President shall order a special election for the purpose of filling any vacant elective position within forty-five (45) days of announcement in accordance with Section 9 under this Article. The member thus elected shall immediately assume the duties of such position after taking an oath of office and shall hold office until the term of office expires.
Article V. Meetings
Section 1. The Annual Election Meeting of the Organization shall be held on any day during the month of October of each year. Notice of such meeting shall be delivered by mail, electronic mail or facsimile transmission to each member’s last known address at least ten (10) days prior thereto.
Section 2. The Organization shall hold regular meetings at a date, time and place which must be made known to each member’s last known address at least ten (10) days prior thereto.
Section 3. Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held monthly or at the call of the Chairman/Chairperson of the Board of Directors or at the request of the President or at least three (3) members of the Board of Directors.
Section 4. Committee meetings shall be decided by the respective Chairperson.
Section 5. Special Membership Meetings may be called upon by the President when, after consulting the other officers, the President is convinced that the need is sufficiently urgent. Special Membership Meetings may also be called at the request of at least three (3) members of the Board of Directors or at least ten (10) members in good standing.
Section 6. Any regular, special or election meeting held by the Organization that meets quorum and has a record of minutes shall be considered a General Membership Meeting.
Article VI. Quorum
Section 1. For any regular, special or election meeting, a quorum shall consist of one third (1/3) of the members in good standing.
Section 2. At all meetings of the Board of Directors, a majority of the members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum.
Article VII. Duties of Board of Directors and Officers
Section 1. The President, as Chief Executive Officer of the Organization shall:
a) Supervise the Organization’s affairs and activities and make an annual report to the members;
b) Preside at all meetings of the Organization except committee and Board of Directors’ meeting;
c) Appoint a legal counsel, a Secretary, a State Director, an assistant Secretary, an assistant Treasurer, Committee Chairpersons and all other officers the President may deem necessary to carry out the objectives of the Organization;
d) Carry out the purposes of the Organization as well as functions that may be vested upon the President by the Organization;
e) Sign with the Treasurer, checks and warrants for the payment of money from bank or banks;
f) Present the Civic Leadership Certification and the Proposed Annual Budget during the first meeting of the Board of Directors; and
g) Perform such other duties as customarily pertain to the Office of the President.
Section 2. The Executive Vice President shall:
a) Conceptualize, arrange and conduct Management Development programs and workshops, like, chairpersons’ seminar, project management guide (PMG), project feasibility study, personnel management, finances, public relations, and such other matters relative thereto;
b) Support state, national and international management development program;
c) Publish the Organization’s newsletter Tambuli;
d) Act as head delegate of the Organization in all District, Regional and State Junior Chamber Organization meetings, conventions and assemblies in the absence of the Organization’s President; and
e) Act as the presiding officer of the Organization in the absence of the President, with the power to call a special meeting for the purpose of electing a President to serve the unexpired term.
Section 3. The Vice President for Individual Development shall:
a) Be responsible for the planning, organizing, staffing, implementation and evaluation of assigned portfolio and/or area;
b) Coordinate with JCI New York State, JCI USA, and JCI, activities involving individual development;
c) Support state, national and international individual development programming; and
d) Perform such other functions that may be assigned by the President.
Section 4. The Vice President for Community Development shall:
a) Be responsible for the planning, organizing, staffing, implementation and evaluation of assigned portfolio and/or area;
b) Coordinate with JCI New York State, JCI USA, and JCI, activities involving community development;
c) Support state, national and international community development programming; and
d) Perform such other function that may be assigned by the President.
Section 5. The Vice President for Membership Services shall:
a) Conceptualize, arrange and conduct orientation, membership retention and enrollment programs;
b) Coordinate with JCI New York State, JCI USA, and JCI, activities involving membership development;
c) Support state, national and international sponsored membership drives and coordinate extension activities; and
d) Perform such other functions that may be assigned by the President.
Section 6. The Vice President for International Affairs shall:
a) Be responsible for the planning, organizing, staffing, implementation and evaluation of assigned portfolio and/or area;
b) Coordinate with JCI New York State, JCI USA, and JCI, activities involving international affairs;
c) Support state, national and international affairs programming; and
d) Perform such other functions that may be assigned by the President.
Section 7. The Secretary shall:
a) Issue all notices of all membership and Board of Directors meetings and agendas, except for Constitutional and By-Law changes;
b) Keep a complete and permanent record of the proceedings of all meetings;
c) Conduct the correspondence of the Organization;
d) Be the custodian of all the official records of the Organization;
e) Formally notify the officers, committees and delegates of their election or appointment;
f) Act as Secretary of the Board of Directors;
g) Perform such other functions that may be assigned by the President.
Section 8. The Treasurer shall:
a) Collect all fees and dues;a) Collect all fees and dues;
b) Send notices of membership dues to all members of the Organization;
c) Disburse funds at the direction of the Board of Directors and report in detail the accounts every month to determine the financial condition of the Organization and such other items as directed by the Board of Directors;
d) Keep an accurate record of the Organization’s receipts, payments and Organization’s properties;
e) Pay the mandatory bills of the Organization promptly after the approval of the President;
f) Report to the Board of Directors the names of those should be dropped from the roster for non-payment of dues;
g) Close the books within two (2) months after the end of office and submit them to the Auditor;
h) Submit to the membership a written annual financial report, properly audited, within six (6) months after the end of office; and
i) Perform such other function that may be assigned to him/her by the President.
Section 9. The Auditor shall:
a) Audit the records of the Treasurer on a semi-annual basis and report thereon following the Treasurer’s report; and
b) Audit all major projects generating over $2000 dollars in cash/donated goods within two (2) months of project completion.
Section 10. The Legal Counsel(s) shall:
a) Advise and represent the Organization in all legal matters affecting it;
b) Advise the President and Board of Directors on matters of parliamentary procedures and legal interpretations when requested to do so; and
c) Perform such other functions may be assigned by the President.
Section 11. The State Director shall:
a) Act as the Organization’s Liaison with the District, Regional and State Junior Chamber Organizations and at the same time keep the Organization’s membership informed and involved in all District, Regional and State Junior Chamber Organizations undertakings;
b) Act as head delegate of the Organization in all District, Regional and State Junior Chamber Organization meetings, conventions and assemblies in the absence of the Organization’s President; and the Executive Vice President; and
c) Perform such other function that may be assigned by the President.
Section 12. The Assistant Secretary shall:
a) Render assistance to the Secretary; and
b) Act as Secretary in the absence of the Secretary.
Section 13. The Assistant Treasurer shall:
a) Render assistance to the Treasurer; and
b) Act as Treasurer in the absence of the Treasurer.
Section 14. Each Director shall:
a) Assist assigned Vice President as determined by the Board of Directors;
b) Call assigned members and serve as a communication link to members;
c) Assist in the recruitment and training of project Chairpersons;
d) Report progress of assigned projects at Board of Directors meeting; and
e) Perform such other functions that may be assigned by the Board of Directors.
Article VIII. Committees and Internal Adjunct
Section 1. The President, in consultation with the appropriate Vice President, shall determine the committees deemed necessary to fulfill the objectives of the Organization.
Section 2. There shall be created the following standing committees:
a) Constitution & By-Laws
The Constitution and By-Laws committee which shall review and consider proposed amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws. This committee shall comprised of a Chairperson and four (4) members, all of whom shall be members in good standing. It shall be created by the President upon assumption of office.
b) Strategic Planning Committee
The Strategic Planning Committee shall develop projected goals and a plan of action to achieve those goals over the next five (5) years, to address issues of short and long range importance to the Organization, and make recommendations to the Board of Directors concerning possible courses of action, to advise the Constitution and By-Laws Committee about By-Law revisions, and to investigate any other areas as requested by the President. This Committee shall be comprised of one (1) chairperson and four (4) members, all of whom shall be members in good standing. It shall be created by the President upon assumption of office.
c) Awards Committee
1) The Awards Committee shall consider candidates for the following lifetime awards and any other non-local awards that may be created in Junior Chamber organization or within the community at large.
a. The New York State Junior Chamber Governorship.
b. The United States Junior Chamber Ambassadorship
c. The Junior Chamber International Senatorship
2) The committee shall be comprised of the following five (5) committee members:
a. One (1) representative from the Organization’s JCI New York State Governors appointed by the incumbent President
b. One (1) representative from the Organization’s USJC Ambassadors appointed by the incumbent President
c. Two (2) representatives from the Organization’s JCI Senators, nominated by the current Philippine New York Jaycees Senate President.
d. One regular member nominated by the incumbent President as representative of the Organization.
3) The incumbent President shall convene the committee and its chair shall be elected during that special meeting and shall preside for the year co-terminus with the Organization’s President.
Article XVIII. Lifetime Awards Nomination Process and Criteria
Section 1. The nomination process shall be initiated by any regular member in good standing. The nomination package shall be prepared and submitted to the Board of Directors for initial notification and forwarded to the Awards Committee for deliberation.
a. Nomination form for the JCI New York State Governorship can be secured from the currently designated JCI New York State website.
b. Nomination form for the United States Junior Chamber Ambassadorship can be secured from the currently designated United States Junior Chamber website.
c. Nomination forms for the Junior Chamber International Senatorship can be secured from the currently designated Junior Chamber International website.
Section 2. The minimum requirements for Governorship are as follows, as defined by the JCI New York State Guidelines:
a. Must display a record of outstanding service and involvement to the Organization and other Junior Chamber organizations
b. Must have been a member in good standing for at least three (3) years
c. Must have served one (1) year on the Organization’s Board of Directors or one (1) year in the New York State Junior Chamber’s Executive Committee.
d. Must also display other community involvement outside the Junior Chamber organization.
e. The completed form is to be signed by the Organization’s President or next senior officer (if the nominee is the incumbent President) and submitted with appropriate fee to the State office for processing.
Section 3. The minimum requirements for Ambassadorship is as follows as defined by the United States Junior Chamber Guidelines:
a. Must display a record of outstanding service and involvement to the Organization and other Junior Chamber organizations
b. Must have been a member in good standing for at least three (3) years
c. Must have served one (1) year on the Organization’s Board of Directors or one (1) year in the New York State Junior Chamber’s Executive Committee.
d. Must also display other community involvement outside the Junior Chamber organization.
e. The completed form is to be signed by the Organization’s President or next senior officer (if the nominee is the incumbent President) and submitted with appropriate fee to the National office for processing.
Section 4. The minimum requirements for Senatorship are as follows, as defined by the Junior Chamber International Guidelines:
a. Must display a record of outstanding service and involvement to the Organization and other Junior Chamber organizations
b. Must have been a member in good standing for at least three (3) years
c. Additional regulations and requirements set forth by the United States Junior Chamber, New York State Junior Chamber and the local Organization.
d. The completed form is to be signed by the Organization’s President or next senior officer (if the nominee is the incumbent President), State President, National President and submitted with appropriate fee to the International office for processing.
Section 5: The Awards Committee shall put forth any other criteria for the Governorship, Ambassadorship and Senatorship which shall be disseminated to the general membership and members of the Board of Directors.
Section 6. The Board of Directors shall have final approval over nominations approved by the Awards Committee enumerated above. However, a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board of Directors constituting a quorum in a special meeting called for this purpose may override the approval of any nomination.
Article IX. Rules of Order
Section 1. The Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern all proceedings of all meetings of the Organization and its constituent parts except as provided in the By-Laws.
Article X. Finances
Section 1. All funds and other properties of the Organization shall be held in the name of THE PHILIPPINE-NEW YORK JAYCEES, INC., doing business as, “JCI Philippine-New York”.
Article XI. Suspension, Trial and Expulsion of Members and Removal from Office of Officers & Members of the Board of Directors
Section 1. A member may be suspended or expelled or otherwise dropped from the roster of the Organization for non-payment of dues and fees as provided by Section 1 Article II of the By-Laws.
Section. 2. A member may be suspended or expelled or otherwise dropped from the roster of the Organization if found guilty of misconduct pursuant to Section 3 of this Article.
Section 3. An Investigating Committee shall be created by the Board of Directors to investigate the charges of serious misconduct on the part of the member. The member so charged is allowed to present a defense. Thereafter, the Investigating Committee shall make a written report which shall be presented in the next General Membership Meeting and two thirds (2/3) vote of all regular members present and in good standing and constituting a quorum shall be necessary to expel a member from the Organization. Such expelled members can only be reinstated upon sponsorship by a regular member in good standing and has gained an honorable reputation in the community during the period of expulsion. A two thirds (2/3) vote of all regular members present and in good standing and constituting a quorum in the General Membership Meeting shall be necessary for such reinstatement.
Section 4. An officer or a member of the Board of Directors may be removed from office on the following instances:
a) Non-performance of duties; and/or
b) Non-attendance of three (3) consecutive General Membership Meetings or three (3) Board of Directors meetings.
A written petition by at least five (5) regular members in good standing shall be submitted to this effect to the Board of Directors and to the President for proper action. The subject of the petition shall be notified in writing seven (7) days upon receipt of such submission by the Board of Directors.
Section 5. An Investigating Committee shall be created by the Board of Directors to investigate the written petition for the removal from office of the Officer or member of the Board of Directors. The investigating Committee shall submit a written report within thirty (30) days for final action by the Board of Directors.
Section 6. The Investigating Committee shall consist of one (1) Chairman and two (2) members, all of whom shall be members in good standing.
Article XII. Penalties
Section 1. The Board of Directors is hereby authorized to impose fines which it may deem proper to ensure the discipline of members particularly with respect to attendance of meetings and implementation of the policies of the Organization.
Article XIII. Delegations
Section 1. Delegation or special Committees shall be appointed by the President to represent the Organization at any convention, meeting or assembly, as may be necessary.
Article XIV. Definitions
Section 1. Members in good standing shall mean any member whose membership dues are paid, has, during the preceding twelve month period, attended at least three (3) General Membership Meetings and/or participated in projects as certified by project chairperson provided that at least one of three (3) will be a General Membership Meeting, and has not been currently under suspension.
Section 2. General membership shall mean members in good standing with voting rights
Article XV. Emblem
Section 1. There shall be an official emblem and a seal of the Organization, which shall conform to the official shape of the Junior Chamber International emblem.
Article XVIII. Effectivity
Section 1. These Constitution and By-Laws shall take effect upon approval, as amended on October 19, 2016.
Article XIX. Transitory Provision
Section 1. All current elected Officers and members of the Board of Directors shall hold office until their successors shall have been duly qualified and elected.
Section 1. Regular membership in this Organization shall be eligible to any person from the ages of eighteen (18) to forty (40) years, inclusive, as provided in Article IV of the Constitution. Regular members shall pay nominal dues in accord with Section 1 Article II “Dues” of the By-Laws
Section 2. Alumni membership may be extended to any person over the age of forty-one (41) years upon petition of said member and by official resolution of the Board of Directors. The alumni member shall be responsible for providing satisfactory evidence of past membership with this Organization or any other JCI local organization worldwide. Alumni members shall pay nominal dues in accord with Section 1 Article II “Dues” of the By-Laws, and shall have neither the right to vote nor hold any office in this Organization.
Section 3. Lifetime membership may be extended to any alumni member of this Organization upon recommendation of any regular member in good standing and by a majority vote of the regular members constituting a quorum official resolution of the general membership. Lifetime members shall pay nominal dues in accord with Section 1 Article II “Dues” of the By-Laws, and shall have neither the right to vote nor hold any office in this Organization except in an advisor capacity.
Section 4. Associate membership may be extended to any person having the qualifications required by the Constitution and By-Laws but whose age is over the age of forty-one (41) years. Associate members shall pay nominal dues in accord with Section 1 Article II “Dues” of the By-Laws, and shall have neither the right to vote nor hold any office in this Organization.
Section 5. Honorary membership may be extended to any person who, by reason of exemplary public service, or civic consciousness may be worthy of such membership upon the recommendation by any regular member in good standing and by official resolution of the general membership, but said honorary member shall have no right to vote nor hold office except in an advisory capacity. When admitted as an honorary member, such member shall not be obligated to pay membership dues.
Section 6. Junior membership may be extended to any person below the age of eighteen (18) years and is a child of a regular, alumni, lifetime, associate, or honorary member. Junior members shall pay nominal dues in accord with Section 1 Article II “Dues” of the By-Laws, and shall have neither the right to vote nor hold any office in this Organization.
Section 7. Any person who wishes to be considered for membership shall provide the necessary information to the Organization as determined by the Board of Directors.
Article II. Dues
Section 1. The annual membership dues for all members shall be determined by the Board of Directors provided that such dues is not lower than the dues remitted to JCI New York State, JCI USA and JCI. Such annual membership dues shall be payable upon submission of the membership application and one month prior to anniversary date.
Article III. Government
Section 1. The government of this Organization shall be vested in the Board of Directors consisting of eleven (11) members which shall constitute the policy making body of the Organization, namely; the Immediate Past President, the incumbent President, the incumbent five (5) Vice Presidents and four (4) elective members known as Directors, as provided in Section 1, Article V of the Constitution. However, if the Organization’s membership roster exceeds seventy-five (75) as of thirty (30) days prior to the annual election meeting, one (1) additional board member shall be elected for every twenty-five (25) members exceeding fifty (50).
Section 2. The Board of Directors shall have control and management of the property and funds of the Organization. Funds of the Organization shall be withdrawn from the bank or banks with which they are on deposit by the signatures of the Treasurer and/or President and/or any other authorized signatories.
Section 3. There shall be a Policy Manual of the Organization, containing rules and regulations of a procedural and administrative nature.
Section 4. Policies may be amended by the Board of Directors by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the votes cast, provided written notice of the proposed amendment is given to the Chairman of the Board not less than thirty (30) days prior to the convening of the meeting at which the amendment is submitted to the Board of Directors for consideration. Following approval by the Board of Directors, the amendments are to be presented to the general membership in compliance with
Article XVII. Amendments Section 1 governing the timing of the notification to members.
Section 5. The Organization’s calendar year shall be January 1 to December 31.
Article IV. Election
Section 1. Not less than thirty (30) days prior to the annual election meeting, the President shall appoint a Committee on Election consisting of one (1) Chairman and two (2) members, all of whom shall be regular or lifetime members in good standing.
Section 2. The Committee on Election shall, during the monthly meeting prior to the annual election meeting, submit to the membership, names of the candidates for elective offices. Additional names may be placed at the time of voting provided at least five (5) members in good standing make a petition to that effect.
Section 3. At the annual election meeting, there shall be elected a President, an Executive Vice President, Vice President for Individual Development, a Vice President for Community Development, a Vice President for Membership Services, a Vice President for International Affairs, Treasurer, an Auditor and four (4) elective members known as Directors. If the Organization’s membership roster exceeds seventy-five (75) as of thirty (30) days prior to the annual election meeting, one (1) additional board member shall be elected for every twenty-five (25) members exceeding fifty (50).
Section 4. Voting shall be by individual regular members in good standing. No regular member can vote more than one ballot. Proxies shall not be recognized. A majority vote of the regular members present and constituting a quorum shall be necessary to elect the officers and members of the Board of Directors.
Section 5. No officer and members of the Board of Directors shall be eligible for the same office for more than two (2) consecutive terms.
Section 6. All duly elected officers and members of the Board of Directors shall take an oath of office before assuming offices. Officers and members of the Board of Directors shall assume the duties of their respective offices on January 1st following their election, which shall be concurrent with the Organization’s calendar year.
Section 7. Any regular member shall be eligible for election to any office provided said member is in good standing.
Section 8. A regular member may be elected in absentia provided said member has filed a signed letter of intent to run for a specific office.
Section 9. If any elective position shall become vacant, the President shall notify the general membership within ten (10) days of vacancy.
Section 10. The President may appoint a regular member in good standing to fulfill the duties of the vacant elective position but shall not enjoy the voting privilege reserved for elected member of the Board of Directors. This interim appointment shall expire within forty-five (45) days from the announcement of the vacancy in accordance with Section 9 under this Article.
Section 11. The President shall order a special election for the purpose of filling any vacant elective position within forty-five (45) days of announcement in accordance with Section 9 under this Article. The member thus elected shall immediately assume the duties of such position after taking an oath of office and shall hold office until the term of office expires.
Article V. Meetings
Section 1. The Annual Election Meeting of the Organization shall be held on any day during the month of October of each year. Notice of such meeting shall be delivered by mail, electronic mail or facsimile transmission to each member’s last known address at least ten (10) days prior thereto.
Section 2. The Organization shall hold regular meetings at a date, time and place which must be made known to each member’s last known address at least ten (10) days prior thereto.
Section 3. Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held monthly or at the call of the Chairman/Chairperson of the Board of Directors or at the request of the President or at least three (3) members of the Board of Directors.
Section 4. Committee meetings shall be decided by the respective Chairperson.
Section 5. Special Membership Meetings may be called upon by the President when, after consulting the other officers, the President is convinced that the need is sufficiently urgent. Special Membership Meetings may also be called at the request of at least three (3) members of the Board of Directors or at least ten (10) members in good standing.
Section 6. Any regular, special or election meeting held by the Organization that meets quorum and has a record of minutes shall be considered a General Membership Meeting.
Article VI. Quorum
Section 1. For any regular, special or election meeting, a quorum shall consist of one third (1/3) of the members in good standing.
Section 2. At all meetings of the Board of Directors, a majority of the members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum.
Article VII. Duties of Board of Directors and Officers
Section 1. The President, as Chief Executive Officer of the Organization shall:
a) Supervise the Organization’s affairs and activities and make an annual report to the members;
b) Preside at all meetings of the Organization except committee and Board of Directors’ meeting;
c) Appoint a legal counsel, a Secretary, a State Director, an assistant Secretary, an assistant Treasurer, Committee Chairpersons and all other officers the President may deem necessary to carry out the objectives of the Organization;
d) Carry out the purposes of the Organization as well as functions that may be vested upon the President by the Organization;
e) Sign with the Treasurer, checks and warrants for the payment of money from bank or banks;
f) Present the Civic Leadership Certification and the Proposed Annual Budget during the first meeting of the Board of Directors; and
g) Perform such other duties as customarily pertain to the Office of the President.
Section 2. The Executive Vice President shall:
a) Conceptualize, arrange and conduct Management Development programs and workshops, like, chairpersons’ seminar, project management guide (PMG), project feasibility study, personnel management, finances, public relations, and such other matters relative thereto;
b) Support state, national and international management development program;
c) Publish the Organization’s newsletter Tambuli;
d) Act as head delegate of the Organization in all District, Regional and State Junior Chamber Organization meetings, conventions and assemblies in the absence of the Organization’s President; and
e) Act as the presiding officer of the Organization in the absence of the President, with the power to call a special meeting for the purpose of electing a President to serve the unexpired term.
Section 3. The Vice President for Individual Development shall:
a) Be responsible for the planning, organizing, staffing, implementation and evaluation of assigned portfolio and/or area;
b) Coordinate with JCI New York State, JCI USA, and JCI, activities involving individual development;
c) Support state, national and international individual development programming; and
d) Perform such other functions that may be assigned by the President.
Section 4. The Vice President for Community Development shall:
a) Be responsible for the planning, organizing, staffing, implementation and evaluation of assigned portfolio and/or area;
b) Coordinate with JCI New York State, JCI USA, and JCI, activities involving community development;
c) Support state, national and international community development programming; and
d) Perform such other function that may be assigned by the President.
Section 5. The Vice President for Membership Services shall:
a) Conceptualize, arrange and conduct orientation, membership retention and enrollment programs;
b) Coordinate with JCI New York State, JCI USA, and JCI, activities involving membership development;
c) Support state, national and international sponsored membership drives and coordinate extension activities; and
d) Perform such other functions that may be assigned by the President.
Section 6. The Vice President for International Affairs shall:
a) Be responsible for the planning, organizing, staffing, implementation and evaluation of assigned portfolio and/or area;
b) Coordinate with JCI New York State, JCI USA, and JCI, activities involving international affairs;
c) Support state, national and international affairs programming; and
d) Perform such other functions that may be assigned by the President.
Section 7. The Secretary shall:
a) Issue all notices of all membership and Board of Directors meetings and agendas, except for Constitutional and By-Law changes;
b) Keep a complete and permanent record of the proceedings of all meetings;
c) Conduct the correspondence of the Organization;
d) Be the custodian of all the official records of the Organization;
e) Formally notify the officers, committees and delegates of their election or appointment;
f) Act as Secretary of the Board of Directors;
g) Perform such other functions that may be assigned by the President.
Section 8. The Treasurer shall:
a) Collect all fees and dues;a) Collect all fees and dues;
b) Send notices of membership dues to all members of the Organization;
c) Disburse funds at the direction of the Board of Directors and report in detail the accounts every month to determine the financial condition of the Organization and such other items as directed by the Board of Directors;
d) Keep an accurate record of the Organization’s receipts, payments and Organization’s properties;
e) Pay the mandatory bills of the Organization promptly after the approval of the President;
f) Report to the Board of Directors the names of those should be dropped from the roster for non-payment of dues;
g) Close the books within two (2) months after the end of office and submit them to the Auditor;
h) Submit to the membership a written annual financial report, properly audited, within six (6) months after the end of office; and
i) Perform such other function that may be assigned to him/her by the President.
Section 9. The Auditor shall:
a) Audit the records of the Treasurer on a semi-annual basis and report thereon following the Treasurer’s report; and
b) Audit all major projects generating over $2000 dollars in cash/donated goods within two (2) months of project completion.
Section 10. The Legal Counsel(s) shall:
a) Advise and represent the Organization in all legal matters affecting it;
b) Advise the President and Board of Directors on matters of parliamentary procedures and legal interpretations when requested to do so; and
c) Perform such other functions may be assigned by the President.
Section 11. The State Director shall:
a) Act as the Organization’s Liaison with the District, Regional and State Junior Chamber Organizations and at the same time keep the Organization’s membership informed and involved in all District, Regional and State Junior Chamber Organizations undertakings;
b) Act as head delegate of the Organization in all District, Regional and State Junior Chamber Organization meetings, conventions and assemblies in the absence of the Organization’s President; and the Executive Vice President; and
c) Perform such other function that may be assigned by the President.
Section 12. The Assistant Secretary shall:
a) Render assistance to the Secretary; and
b) Act as Secretary in the absence of the Secretary.
Section 13. The Assistant Treasurer shall:
a) Render assistance to the Treasurer; and
b) Act as Treasurer in the absence of the Treasurer.
Section 14. Each Director shall:
a) Assist assigned Vice President as determined by the Board of Directors;
b) Call assigned members and serve as a communication link to members;
c) Assist in the recruitment and training of project Chairpersons;
d) Report progress of assigned projects at Board of Directors meeting; and
e) Perform such other functions that may be assigned by the Board of Directors.
Article VIII. Committees and Internal Adjunct
Section 1. The President, in consultation with the appropriate Vice President, shall determine the committees deemed necessary to fulfill the objectives of the Organization.
Section 2. There shall be created the following standing committees:
a) Constitution & By-Laws
The Constitution and By-Laws committee which shall review and consider proposed amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws. This committee shall comprised of a Chairperson and four (4) members, all of whom shall be members in good standing. It shall be created by the President upon assumption of office.
b) Strategic Planning Committee
The Strategic Planning Committee shall develop projected goals and a plan of action to achieve those goals over the next five (5) years, to address issues of short and long range importance to the Organization, and make recommendations to the Board of Directors concerning possible courses of action, to advise the Constitution and By-Laws Committee about By-Law revisions, and to investigate any other areas as requested by the President. This Committee shall be comprised of one (1) chairperson and four (4) members, all of whom shall be members in good standing. It shall be created by the President upon assumption of office.
c) Awards Committee
1) The Awards Committee shall consider candidates for the following lifetime awards and any other non-local awards that may be created in Junior Chamber organization or within the community at large.
a. The New York State Junior Chamber Governorship.
b. The United States Junior Chamber Ambassadorship
c. The Junior Chamber International Senatorship
2) The committee shall be comprised of the following five (5) committee members:
a. One (1) representative from the Organization’s JCI New York State Governors appointed by the incumbent President
b. One (1) representative from the Organization’s USJC Ambassadors appointed by the incumbent President
c. Two (2) representatives from the Organization’s JCI Senators, nominated by the current Philippine New York Jaycees Senate President.
d. One regular member nominated by the incumbent President as representative of the Organization.
3) The incumbent President shall convene the committee and its chair shall be elected during that special meeting and shall preside for the year co-terminus with the Organization’s President.
Article XVIII. Lifetime Awards Nomination Process and Criteria
Section 1. The nomination process shall be initiated by any regular member in good standing. The nomination package shall be prepared and submitted to the Board of Directors for initial notification and forwarded to the Awards Committee for deliberation.
a. Nomination form for the JCI New York State Governorship can be secured from the currently designated JCI New York State website.
b. Nomination form for the United States Junior Chamber Ambassadorship can be secured from the currently designated United States Junior Chamber website.
c. Nomination forms for the Junior Chamber International Senatorship can be secured from the currently designated Junior Chamber International website.
Section 2. The minimum requirements for Governorship are as follows, as defined by the JCI New York State Guidelines:
a. Must display a record of outstanding service and involvement to the Organization and other Junior Chamber organizations
b. Must have been a member in good standing for at least three (3) years
c. Must have served one (1) year on the Organization’s Board of Directors or one (1) year in the New York State Junior Chamber’s Executive Committee.
d. Must also display other community involvement outside the Junior Chamber organization.
e. The completed form is to be signed by the Organization’s President or next senior officer (if the nominee is the incumbent President) and submitted with appropriate fee to the State office for processing.
Section 3. The minimum requirements for Ambassadorship is as follows as defined by the United States Junior Chamber Guidelines:
a. Must display a record of outstanding service and involvement to the Organization and other Junior Chamber organizations
b. Must have been a member in good standing for at least three (3) years
c. Must have served one (1) year on the Organization’s Board of Directors or one (1) year in the New York State Junior Chamber’s Executive Committee.
d. Must also display other community involvement outside the Junior Chamber organization.
e. The completed form is to be signed by the Organization’s President or next senior officer (if the nominee is the incumbent President) and submitted with appropriate fee to the National office for processing.
Section 4. The minimum requirements for Senatorship are as follows, as defined by the Junior Chamber International Guidelines:
a. Must display a record of outstanding service and involvement to the Organization and other Junior Chamber organizations
b. Must have been a member in good standing for at least three (3) years
c. Additional regulations and requirements set forth by the United States Junior Chamber, New York State Junior Chamber and the local Organization.
d. The completed form is to be signed by the Organization’s President or next senior officer (if the nominee is the incumbent President), State President, National President and submitted with appropriate fee to the International office for processing.
Section 5: The Awards Committee shall put forth any other criteria for the Governorship, Ambassadorship and Senatorship which shall be disseminated to the general membership and members of the Board of Directors.
Section 6. The Board of Directors shall have final approval over nominations approved by the Awards Committee enumerated above. However, a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board of Directors constituting a quorum in a special meeting called for this purpose may override the approval of any nomination.
Article IX. Rules of Order
Section 1. The Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern all proceedings of all meetings of the Organization and its constituent parts except as provided in the By-Laws.
Article X. Finances
Section 1. All funds and other properties of the Organization shall be held in the name of THE PHILIPPINE-NEW YORK JAYCEES, INC., doing business as, “JCI Philippine-New York”.
Article XI. Suspension, Trial and Expulsion of Members and Removal from Office of Officers & Members of the Board of Directors
Section 1. A member may be suspended or expelled or otherwise dropped from the roster of the Organization for non-payment of dues and fees as provided by Section 1 Article II of the By-Laws.
Section. 2. A member may be suspended or expelled or otherwise dropped from the roster of the Organization if found guilty of misconduct pursuant to Section 3 of this Article.
Section 3. An Investigating Committee shall be created by the Board of Directors to investigate the charges of serious misconduct on the part of the member. The member so charged is allowed to present a defense. Thereafter, the Investigating Committee shall make a written report which shall be presented in the next General Membership Meeting and two thirds (2/3) vote of all regular members present and in good standing and constituting a quorum shall be necessary to expel a member from the Organization. Such expelled members can only be reinstated upon sponsorship by a regular member in good standing and has gained an honorable reputation in the community during the period of expulsion. A two thirds (2/3) vote of all regular members present and in good standing and constituting a quorum in the General Membership Meeting shall be necessary for such reinstatement.
Section 4. An officer or a member of the Board of Directors may be removed from office on the following instances:
a) Non-performance of duties; and/or
b) Non-attendance of three (3) consecutive General Membership Meetings or three (3) Board of Directors meetings.
A written petition by at least five (5) regular members in good standing shall be submitted to this effect to the Board of Directors and to the President for proper action. The subject of the petition shall be notified in writing seven (7) days upon receipt of such submission by the Board of Directors.
Section 5. An Investigating Committee shall be created by the Board of Directors to investigate the written petition for the removal from office of the Officer or member of the Board of Directors. The investigating Committee shall submit a written report within thirty (30) days for final action by the Board of Directors.
Section 6. The Investigating Committee shall consist of one (1) Chairman and two (2) members, all of whom shall be members in good standing.
Article XII. Penalties
Section 1. The Board of Directors is hereby authorized to impose fines which it may deem proper to ensure the discipline of members particularly with respect to attendance of meetings and implementation of the policies of the Organization.
Article XIII. Delegations
Section 1. Delegation or special Committees shall be appointed by the President to represent the Organization at any convention, meeting or assembly, as may be necessary.
Article XIV. Definitions
Section 1. Members in good standing shall mean any member whose membership dues are paid, has, during the preceding twelve month period, attended at least three (3) General Membership Meetings and/or participated in projects as certified by project chairperson provided that at least one of three (3) will be a General Membership Meeting, and has not been currently under suspension.
Section 2. General membership shall mean members in good standing with voting rights
Article XV. Emblem
Section 1. There shall be an official emblem and a seal of the Organization, which shall conform to the official shape of the Junior Chamber International emblem.
Article XVIII. Effectivity
Section 1. These Constitution and By-Laws shall take effect upon approval, as amended on October 19, 2016.
Article XIX. Transitory Provision
Section 1. All current elected Officers and members of the Board of Directors shall hold office until their successors shall have been duly qualified and elected.